Workshops and Talks
- Talk, Power Dynamics in Academia, PhD Chapter at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, November 2024
- Workshop, Exploring Bias in Generative Models, WASP-HS AI for Humanity and Society, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 2024
- Talk, Data Feminism, Malvina, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2024
- Guest Lecture, Societal Aspects of Data Science, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, October 2024
- Talk, Data Feminism, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, September 2024
- Talk, Critiquing Data Science Through a Feminist Lens, Sarv Study Circle, Online, Iran, September 2024
- Panellist, More Than Muscles in the Lab: Expanding Masculinities in a Competitive Research Culture, ADBIS Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Bayonne, France, August 2024
- Workshop, Critiquing Power in Tech, WASP Summer School on Generative AI, Norrköping, Sweden, August 2024
- Workshop, Equity and Justice in Computing, Workshop on Equity and Justice in Computing, Stockholm, Sweden, March 2024
- Docent talk, Generalized Reinforcement Learning for Gameplay, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2021 [slides]
- Talk, Distributed Deep Learning, AAISS, Amirkabir Artificial Intelligence Summer Summit, Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran, Iran, August 2020 [slides]
- Keynote, Data Intensive Computing, ICCKE, The International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, 2018
- Keynote, Stratosphere, EIT ICT Labs and Cloudberry Science and Innovation Days, Lulea University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden (2014) [slides]
- Worskhop, Introduction to Deep Learning, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran, December 2018
- Workshop, Deep Learning for Poets, Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran, Iran, December 2018 [slides1] [slides2] [slides3] [slides4] [videos]
- Talk, Processing Massive Graphs, AUT big data workshop, Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran, Iran, April 2017 [slides]
- Workshop, Data Intensive Computing, Sharif ICT Innovation Center, Iran, August 2016 [slides] [videos]
- Workshpo, Introduction to Spark, EIT Digital Summer School on Cloud Computing and Big Data, Sweden, June-July, 2016 [slides1] [slides2] [slides3] [slides4] [ipython notebooks]
- Workshop, Data Intensive Computing, SeRC, Sweden, February 2016 [slides] [zeppelin notebooks]
- Talk, Data Intensive Computing, Linux festival, Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran, Iran, May 2015 [slides]
- Talk, Cloud Computing, Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Iran, April 2015 [slides]
- Workshop, Data Intensive Computing, eFarda, Iran, January 2015 [slides]
- Workshop, Introduction to Spark, Cafe Bazzar, Iran, January 2015 [slides]
- Workshop, Introduction to Spark, SICS Swedish ICT, Sweden, June 2014 [slides]
- Talk, P2P Content Distribution (BiTtorent and Spotify), Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran, Iran, November 2014 [slides]
- DeepAqua (KTH, 2024 - 2026)
- DataCloud (KTH, 2021 - 2024)
- RISE AI Center (RISE, 2021 - 2022)
- Digital Cellulose Center (KTH, 2019 - 2022)
- ExtremeEarth (KTH, 2018 - 2021)
- Deep Medicine (Oxford, 2017 - 2018)
- FDB: Factorized Database (Oxford, 2017)
- DOIT: Data-driven optimization for intelligent and efficient Transports (SICS, Scania, 2016)
- BIDAF: The research within massive data analysis by means of machine learning (SICS, 2015)
- Trafmod: A Big Data architecture for traffic modeling (SICS, Ericsson, 2013 - 2014)
- E2E Clouds: A distributed and federated Cloud infrastructure (SICS, 2013)
- Clommunity: A Community networking Cloud in a box (SICS, 2013)
- PeerTV: Designing a flexible and efficient infrastructure for live streaming over Internet (SICS, 2008 - 2010)
- SICSIM: A discrete-event, flow-level simulator for simulating Peer-to-Peer overlays (SICS, 2008)
- BalticGrid: Integrating Tycoon and gLite Grid systems (PDC, 2007)
- Farsi Linux: Creating two Farsi GNU/Linux distributions, Learnux and Karamad (DPI, 2005)
- Embedded GNU/Linux: Creating embedded GNU/Linux distributions for Set-Top-Boxes and Thin Clients (Gata, 2004)
Journals, Conferences and Seminars
- Organizer, Exploring Bias in Generative Models, Gothenburg, Sweden (2024)
- Organizer, Workshop on Equity and Justice in Computing, Stockholm, Sweden (2024)
- Organiziation member, CASTOR Software Days, Stockholm, Sweden (2019)
- Organizer, EIT Digital Big Data Analytics Summer School, Stockholm, Sweden (2019)
- Area Co-Chair of JSys, Journal of System Research (2022)
- Track Co-Chair of CCNC, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (2017)
- PC member of COMPSAC, IEEE COMPSAC Symposium on Autonomous Systems (2021-2022)
- PC member of DAMDID, International Conference on Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (2022)
- PC member of DICG, Workshop on Distributed Infrastructure for Common Good, co-located with Middleware (2022)
- PC member of EuroMLSys, Workshop on Machine Learning and Systems, co-located with EuroSys (2021-2022)
- PC member of SNTA, Workshop on Systems and Network Telemetry and Analytics - co-located with ACM HPDC (2020-2022)
- PC member of ICMLA, IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications - Deep Learning Special Session (2020)
- PC member of ICCCN, International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (2020)
- PC member of ICSPIS, International Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems (2020)
- PC member of ECN, Workshop on Edge Computing and Networking - co-located with ICCCN (2019)
- PC member of IoT, International Conference on Internet of Things and Applications (2019)
- PC member of CSICC, National CSI Computer Conference (2017)
- PC member of IUCC, IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (2014)
- PC member of INNOV, IARIA Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies (2014)
- PC member of DAIS, IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (2013)
- Reviewer of TPDS, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Reviewer of TOG, IEEE Transactions on Games
- Reviewer of JPDC, Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Reviewer of COMNET, Elsevier Computer Networks
- Reviewer of COMCOM, Elsevier Computer Communications
- Reviewer of COMPELECENG, Elsevier Computers and Electrical Engineering
- Reviewer of IS, Elsevier Information Systems
- Reviewer of FGCS, Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems
- Reviewer of COMPJ, Oxford Journals The Computer Journal
- Reviewer of COMPD, Springer Computing
- Reviewer of PPNA, Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
- Reviewer of WI, Journal of Web Intelligence Consortium
- Reviewer of CPE, International Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
- Reviewer of International Journal of Algorithms
- Reviewer of JCM, Academy Publisher Journal of Communications
- Reviewer of IJBDI, International Journal of Big Data Intelligence
- Reviewer of JIT, International Journal of Internet Technology
- Reviewer of IJECE, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Reviewer of CODASPY, ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (2020)
- Reviewer of ISPA, IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (2015)
- Reviewer of SIGMOD, ACM Special Interest Group on Management Of Data (2013)
- Reviewer of P2P, IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (2008 - 2011)
- Reviewer of DAIS, IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (2011)
- Reviewer of CCNC, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (2010 and 2013)
Research Proposals and Grants
- Digital Futures Research Pairs
Funded by Digital Futures, 2024-2026. - Industrial PhD Student Position in AI
Funded by WASP, 2020-2024. - PhD Level Course in AI/ML
Funded by WASP, 2018-2020. - STREAMLINE: Improving Competitiveness of European Enterprises through Streamlined Analysis of Data at Rest and Data in Motion (Contributor)
Funded by H2020, ICT-16-2015 Big Data, Volume: 3.2M Euro, 2016-2018. - BIDAF: A Big Data Analytics Framework for a Smart Society (Contributor)
Funded by KK-stiffen (KKS), Volume: 2.6M Euro, 2014-2019.
Other Courses and Slides
Distributed Systems (2015)
- Introduction [slides]
- Architectures [slides]
- Processes [slides]
- Communication [slides1] [slides2]
- Naming [slides]
- Synchronization [slides]
- Consistency and replication [slides]
- Fault tolerance [slides1] [slides2]
- Security [slides]
- Distributed file systems [slides]
- MapReduce [slides]
Operating Systems (2014) [course web page]
- Introduction [slides1] [slides2] [slides3]
- Processes [slides1] [slides2] [slides3]
- Threads [slides]
- Processes synchronization [slides1] [slides2]
- Processes scheduling [slides1] [slides2]
- Deadlocks [slides]
- Main memory [slides1] [slides2]
- Virtual memory [slides1] [slides2]
- Storage [slides]
- File system interface [slides]
- File system implementation [slides1] [slides2]
- I/O system [slides1] [slides2]
- Security [slides1] [slides2]
Distributed Computing, Peer-to-Peer and GRIDS (2008 - 2012)
- NoSQL Databases (2012) [pdf]
- Epidemic Algorithms (2012) [pdf]
- P2P Media Streaming (2012) [pdf]
- P2P Media Streaming (2011) [pdf]
- P2P Media Streaming (2010) [pdf]
- Chord (2010-2011) [pdf]
- Kademlia (2010-2011) [pdf]
- P2P Introduction (2010) [pdf]
- Pastry (2009) [pdf]
- Content Distribution Network (2008) [pdf]
Video Lectures on GNU/Linux (2006)
- Linux Startup (in Farsi) [mp4]
- Linux Kernel Architecture (in Farsi) [mp4]
- Linux Module Programming (in Farsi) [mp4]
- Linux Processes and IPC (in Farsi) [mp4]
- Linux Socket Programming (in Farsi) [mp4]
- Intrusion Detection Systems (in Farsi) [mp4]
Linux Device Driver (2004)
- Linux Kernel Architecture [pdf]
- Linux Module Programming [pdf]
- Debugging Techniques [pdf]
- Char. Drivers [pdf]
- Advanced Char. Drivers [pdf]
- Allocating Memory [pdf]
- Communicating with Hardware [pdf]
- Interrupt Handling [pdf]
- Kmod and Advanced Modularization [pdf]
- PCI Drivers [pdf]
- Block Drivers [pdf]
- Network Drivers [pdf]
GNU/Linux OS Lab. (2001)
- Linux Kernel Architecture [pdf]
- Linux Filesystem [pdf]
- Linux Installation [pdf]
- Linux Startup [pdf]
- Linux Processes and IPC [pdf]
- Linux Socket Programming [pdf]
- Linux Module Programming [pdf]
- X-Stream: Edge-centric Graph Processing using Streaming Partitions (2014) [pdf]
- Cloudy Weather for P2P, with a Chance of Gossip (2011) [pdf]
- Cloud Streaming (2011) [pdf]
- GLive: The Gradient overlay as a market maker for mesh-based P2P live streaming (2011) [pdf]
- Gozar: NAT-friendly Peer Sampling with One-Hop Distributed NAT Traversal (2011) [pdf]
- Sepidar: Incentivized Market-Based P2P Live-Streaming on the Gradient Overlay (2011) [pdf]
- gradienTv: Market-based P2P Live Media Streaming on the Gradient Overlay (2010) [pdf]
- P2P'10 At A Glance (2010) [pdf]
- Gossip Peer Sampling In The Real World (2010) [pdf]
- P2P Combinatorial Optimization (2009) [pdf]
- Hierarchical Codes: How to Make Erasure Codes Attractive for Peer-to-Peer Storage Systems (2008) [pdf]
- CliqueStream: An Efficient and Fault-resilient Live Streaming Network on a Clustered Peer-to-peer Overlay (2008) [pdf]
- P2P Live Streaming (2007) [pdf]
- A Survey on P2P Live Streaming (2007) [pdf]
- Implementation of User Level SLA for GLite using Tycoon (2007) [pdf]
- How to Remaster Fedore Core (2006) [pdf]
- Embedded Linux (2006) [pdf]
- Linux Overview (2006) [pdf]
- Linux Introduction (2006 - in Farsi) [pdf]
- Intrusion Detection System (2003) [pdf]